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Enhancing Building Efficiency Modeling

Energy efficiency is essential to meeting the growing demand for clean energy reliably and affordably; however, understanding the impact and cost of making homes more energy-efficient is not always straightforward. The focus of this study - updated modeling of residential building shell, which is the outer structure or envelope of a home - adds significant new capabilities to EER’s treatment of residential energy demand. Where previously EER focused primarily on building equipment electrification (e.g., replacing gas furnaces and water heaters with electric heat pumps), this study takes a deep dive into building shell efficiency to analyze the cost and energy impact of upgrades (e.g., better windows, more insulation, less air leakage). While earlier modeling of building shell retrofitting was coarse and reliant on average savings values across building categories, the new approach takes advantage of the latest data from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), allowing examination of the effects of retrofits in a more detailed way than previous studies. The result is a highly granular analysis of the impact of different building shell efficiency measures across building types (e.g., single-family, multifamily, mobile home), vintages, climate zones, and geographic locations.

Figure 1. Average cost per household by retrofit package and measure across vintages.
Figure 1. Average cost per household by retrofit package and measure across vintages.

The methods employed here were designed to yield data that are deeply granular and multifaceted. To create a more detailed picture of energy efficiency, we integrated two powerful data products from NREL into our EnergyPATHWAYS model. The 2024.1 release of the ResStock dataset represents the U.S. residential housing stock through 2.2 million modeled homes. NREL modeled the impact of over 200 different building energy upgrade packages on each of these representative units. Given the bespoke nature of building shell retrofits, we incorporated the unique costs for each modeled home using the National Residential Efficiency Measures Database (REMDB). To analyze the role of retrofits in achieving net-zero emissions, this study evaluated five different combinations of building shell upgrades. Two of the retrofit packages focused only on upgrading windows (to ENERGY STAR certified and thin triple-pane windows). The other three packages include a combination of different energy-saving building shell measures, ranging from light-touch upgrades to more extensive retrofits. The details of these individual measures and packages are laid out in Tables 1 and 2. Figure 1 shows the breakdown of average household costs per package and measure, across building vintages from pre-1940 to the 2010s.

Figure 2. Heating loads pre- (left) and post- (right) retrofit with the advanced package (2.05).
Figure 2. Heating loads pre- (left) and post- (right) retrofit with the advanced package (2.05).

Improving the modeling of residential building shells enables a preliminary screening analysis on retrofit feasibility and impacts even before running EER’s economy-wide model. Key findings include:

1. Window costs matter – a lot. The installation of more energy-efficient windows is the largest single component of retrofit package cost.

2. Heating vs. cooling. The energy savings from upgrades can vary depending on whether you’re trying to keep your home warm or cool. More savings are realized from homes that have greater need for heating.

3. Location, location, location. While the average cost of different retrofit packages ($/sqft) tend to be relatively similar across the U.S., the impacts on energy demand vary widely as a function of building location due to climate and building codes. Figure 2 illustrates the significance of building location for potential energy savings from retrofit measures.

4. Age matters too. Building vintage is a significant indicator of cost-effectiveness: simply put, older structures have more room to improve from a given efficiency upgrade, as illustrated in Figure 3.

Figure 3. Median cost effectiveness ($/saved kbtu of heating or cooling load) of retrofit packages by building type and vintage.
Figure 3. Median cost effectiveness ($/saved kbtu of heating or cooling load) of retrofit packages by building type and vintage.

We modeled the impact of these building upgrades in two scenarios, with both incorporating the improved granularity of input data across location, vintage, and building type. When each home is eligible for upgrading, the baseline case assumes the building is brought up to 2010 standards. A high building shell efficiency case assumes that each building is upgraded with an advanced energy efficiency retrofit package instead. This case uses the individual service demand reduction that was modeled for that specific unit in order to calculate the new heating and cooling demand.

Future versions of our model may focus on selecting retrofit packages that are the most cost-effective for a given set of consumers. Differences in cost-effectiveness, measured in $ per unit of energy saved per year, are significant across building types, ages, and retrofit packages. Generally, the light-touch and intermediate retrofits give the consumers the greatest “bang for their buck” in terms of energy saved for dollars spent. By incorporating subsidies available in the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), which includes federal tax rebates for residential building efficiency, the cost of these upgrades can drop even further. While these rebates help lower costs across the board, they don’t necessarily change which package is the most cost-effective—the relative ranking only shifted for about 0.5% of the homes we modeled. Another way to view cost-effectiveness is to look at the payback period of a package – the time needed for savings on electricity bills to pay for the cost of the retrofit. Again, location and building vintage are significant factors in whether an efficiency retrofit makes sense economically (Figure 4.).

Figure 4. Length of payback period (years) for light-touch retrofits of residential homes (vintage 2010s).
Figure 4. Length of payback period (years) for light-touch retrofits of residential homes (vintage 2010s).

Our updated modeling results in a much clearer picture of the circumstances in which building shell energy efficiency retrofits can make a major contribution to decarbonization. By using high-resolution data from NREL, we have shown that while the costs of a given upgrade package is relatively similar across the U.S., the savings and cost-effectiveness of that package can vary widely depending on a  home’s type, age, and location. This highlights the importance of choosing the right retrofit package as a consumer, and of targeting specific locations and vintages as a policy designer, especially when evaluating the potential savings from federal tax rebates.


Table 1. Residential building shell efficiency measures.




Replace any less-efficient existing windows with windows that meet ENERGY STAR (v7) criteria. 

Thin Triple Windows

Replace any less efficient existing windows with thin triple-pane windows.

Attic Floor Insulation

Increase attic floor insulation to IECC-Residential 2021 levels for dwelling units with vented attics and any lower level of insulation

General Air Sealing

30% reduction in infiltration (ACH50) for dwelling units with greater than 10 ACH50 in the baseline

Duct Sealing

Duct sealing to 10% leakage and R-8 duct insulation for any leakier or less-insulated ducts

Drill-and-fill Wall Insulation

Drill-and-fill wall insulation (R-13) for dwelling units with no wall insulation and wood stud walls

Foundation Wall and Rim Joist Insulation 

Add R-10 interior insulation to foundation walls and rim joists in conditioned basements and crawlspaces; seal crawlspace vents

Exterior Continuous Wall Insulation

1” exterior insulation to foundation walls and rim joists in conditioned basements and crawlspaces; seal crawlspace vents

IECC 2021 Air Sealing

Improve dwelling unit infiltration to IECC 2021 air sealing requirements

Roof Insulation

R-30 insulation for less-insulated finished attics and cathedral ceilings

Improved Ventilation

Energy recovery or exhaust-only ventilation added to dwelling units depending on climate zone and ACH50 values. 


Table 2. Residential building shell package descriptions.


Included Measures

Windows, Thin Triple

  • Thin triple windows


  • ENERGY STAR windows

Envelope, Light Touch

  • Attic floor insulation

  • General air sealing

Envelope, Intermediate

  • Attic floor insulation

  • General air sealing

  • Duct sealing

  • Drill and fill wall insulation

  • Foundation wall and rim joist insulation with sealing of crawlspace vents

Envelope, Advanced

  • Attic floor insulation

  • Duct sealing

  • Drill and fill wall insulation

  • Foundation wall and rim joist insulation with sealing of crawlspace vents

  • ENERGY STAR windows

  • Exterior continuous wall insulation

  • IECC 2021 air sealing

  • Improved ventilation

The full report is available below:

About the Author: Audrey McManemin is currently pursuing her Master's in Energy Science & Engineering at Stanford University, where her research focuses on evaluating methane emission detection and quantification technologies. She holds a degree in Mechanical Engineering from Duke University and previously worked as a data engineer. As a Research Fellow with Evolved Energy Research, Audrey analyzed the impact and cost of upgrading the energy efficiency of residential building shells. Following her master's program, Audrey intends to continue exploring the application of data in providing pathways to decarbonization.


 National Renewable Energy Laboratory (2018). National Residential Efficiency Measures Database, v3.1.0. 

 National Renewable Energy Laboratory (2024). ResStock Database, v2024.1. 

 National Renewable Energy Laboratory, OpenEI U.S. Utility Rate Database,

Present, E., White, P. R., Harris, C., Adhikari, R., Lou, Y., Liu, L., Fontanini, A., Moreno, C., Robertson, J., & Maguire, J. (2024). ResStock Dataset 2024.1 documentation (NREL/TP-5500-88109). National Renewable Energy Laboratory.

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